About us

BKNE Logo Marz 2014 JPG


B.K.N.E. is a workshop where people can get tools and assistance to fix their bikes themselves or build new ones using recycled materials.

The space also functions as an infrastructure for groups who do bicycle related stuff and where several (bike repair) workshops take place. We are working to increase possibilities for custom-projects (for example: building tall / cargo bikes, etc…).

The main focus of the project is reusing and recycling. We’ve already gathered a relatively big collection of old bicycle parts and materials which people can use for bicycle repairs and creative projects. We run the place as a collective where we try to make decisions by consensus. 

Who can use the workshop?

It is our aim to create a queer-friendly space where trans-phobia, homophobia, sexism and macho behavior are not tolerated. A space where people can learn from each other in a friendly atmosphere instead of some expert guys telling you how things work.

As a self-managed project space we are also critical of the state initiated “open” bicycle workshops network, which is bureaucratically exclusive and therefore xenophobic. We also differ from the self-run open workshops that demand hourly charges to be paid for the use of the space. Bike Kitchen North East does not ask for money or any kind of documentation of the people who use the infrastructure: be it Identity Proof, Job Seekers I.D. (HartzIV) or student I.D.

Where is this?

The workshop is a part of the social and cultural centre Kubiz Raoul Wallenberg in Weißensee (for the map & full contact details click here). In Kubiz there are a lot of other projects like a wood workshop, community garden, free-shop, seminar-house, etc., with which cooperations are possible.